I think the whole process of illicit trade is sickening. It's hard for me to fathom the idea that people take these businesses to the next level. What's even more unimaginable is that ordinary people like me and you would actually purchase a fake bag, shoes, sunglasses or medicine -knowingly. How hard is it to save up money and buy that purse you've been wanting? In my personal opinion it means more to me, that I busted my ass to buy a genuine product. It has more value to know it's real and I earned it. The seller's of these products should be ashamed of themselves. To use the excuse, "I'm doing this for my family" is a load of bull. That is no excuse whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, people gotta do what they gotta do to put food on the table; but I don't wanna hear any crying when they get caught. They knew what they were getting themselves into. How long do people really think they can get away with this kind of stuff? It's so immoral, for you to copy or steal a company's original idea and mass market it for a fraction of the cost. The buyers of these products are just as bad; trying to cheat life and get a good deal. People shoudl have pride for themselves and never settle for less than the best. The karma is going to catch up to these people. It's just not good mojo.
15 years ago
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