Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crimes and Torts from Video

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1. False advertisement- crime
2. Assault- tort and crime
3. Destruction of Personal Property-Tort
4. Breaking and Entering-Tort and Crime
5. Bribery-Crime
6. Perjury-Crime
7. Jaywalking-Crime
8. Underage Driving-Crime
9. Unlicensed Driving- crime
10. Fraud-Crime
11. No seatbelts-Crime
12. Wreck less Driving-Crime
13. No license plates-Crime
14. No insurance-Crime
15. Driving on the wrong side of the ride-Crime
16. Speeding-Crime
17. Stolen Property-Tort
18. Ignoring Construction Zone-Crime
19. Jury tampering-Crime
20. Sexual Assault -Crime
21. Smoking Illegal Drugs-Crime
22. Concealed Weaponry-Crime
23. Public Indecency-Crime
24. Insider trading-Tort and Crime
25. Trespassing-Tort
26. Fleeing a crime scene-Crime
27. Emissions-Crime and Tort
28. Hit and Run-Crime
29. Gambling-Crime
30. Attempted Murder-Crime
Kevin Lum
Chris Manning
Melody Meade

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Classmate Blog Evaluations

Chris Manning

I can definitely agree with your statements. "Legislator passes laws all the time right under the general public noses, then "bam" a new law of the land needs to be enforced, and if you don’t comply off to the house of justice to answer for your crimes, oddly enough us as civilians have the power to change this, but usually find it to tedious to be part of the law making process, and trust the Politian’s we’ve elected to represent us." With people's daily lives taking advantage of them, it is indeed a balancing act to maintain current events on our country. We rely on officials to represent us as a people and behind our back we are betrayed. For the safety of the people, and the laws that govern us; it would be in our most highest interests to stay up to date and realize who exactly we are electing. Most officials that are elected are no better than me or you. In my personal opinion, it's all a money game.

Lauren Pastor

I can understand your views, I watched this same video last quarter. "Just the other day I was in my communications class watching a clip from 60 minutes on how 2 lawyers had information about a man wrongly accused of a crime, who was sentenced to 30 years behind bars, yet couldn’t speak up because it conflicted with their current clients protection." How fair is our justice system really? Was it really necessary for that man to be imprisoned? How could a government so stable as ours let a criminal slip between the laws, and an innocent man suffer? It's pitiful to think that this could even happen. The government is just corrupt. There are so many rules and laws that contradict themselves. The lawyers in this incident should have had a little bit more moral character regardless of their job title.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My views of today’s justice system

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I think today’s justice system trys to play fair. It’s kind of crazy when so many people have different views about things; everyone wants to be protected. This is where torts come into play. Today’s justice system does a great job of protecting peoples’ personal rights. Unfortunately most people are unaware of their rights, or where they can stand against another American. By this, I mean people could unknowingly libel or slander someone. Growing up as a kid you just say whatever you want about someone and there’s no consequence except for riling up the old school bully. Saying “anything” you want about “someone” as an adult can bring you trouble like lawsuits. The people who have to worry about this the most are news reporters. Reporters always have to watch how they word things. Sometimes the information is correct, sometimes it’s not. They often stray away from the truth and provide false information to the public. Such reports can cause drops in sales or just bash advertisements for people or companies. Slandering someone directly can have a serious negative effect. Slandering someone indirectly can be even scarier. Sometimes people can have a lot of sarcasm that can get them in trouble. They can even be slandering someone and not even know it! Fortunately for victims of slandering; today’s justice system trys its best to protect them from defamation.

America’s justice system also does a great job protecting businesses. It helps protect them from white-collar crimes such as: bribery, extortion, perjury, embezzlement, and other crimes like credit card fraud and identity theft. Many of the laws set forth are protect businesses from collapsing. It also gives small companies a chance to rise in today’s economy by setting the grounds so that everyone can play fair.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What I think About Lawyers

Personally I think lawyers are sneaky scum. Just like an M&M shell they look nice and enticing on the outside but are detrimental to you on the inside. When you get hurt, or need legal help you’re seeking for someone who is a professional but in reality you’re really seeking a thief to steal from you. They may seem like their doing you a whole lot of good at first, but in the end their ripping you off. They make you big promises that they will win you a case and bring you extraordinary amounts of income. Can you trust them? Hiring a lawyer is like gambling, you’re taking a huge risk. You don’t know if your hard earned money is safe. If you could defend yourself in a courtroom, I’m pretty sure you would. I guess that’s the price you have to pay when you don’t have the legal knowledge or know-how. Lawyers go to school and pay enough money for their education. They have their own financial worries they have to worry about. They’re out for the money; they don’t care about you or your morals. They’ll charge you the highest prices if they can. It all comes down to trust, any lawyer you choose is going to have a fancy sticker price. In the end if you choose a lawyer wisely, the fruits of your labor can bring you a substantial amount of money.

Finding a lawyer isn’t always about how much money you’re getting either. Sometimes it’s about saving your ass from jail time. Look at O.J. Simpson for example, he has money out his ears. He doesn’t need any more cash, he’s set for life. So then why did he need a lawyer? He killed his wife and didn’t want to deal with the consequences like a real man. The only reason he needed a lawyer was to be saved from life in prison. So what does this have to deal with lawyers you ask? It means that lawyers are money hungry and they’ll do anything, even defend criminals if the price is right. Don’t be fooled, lawyers may seem successful but ask yourself how did they get there; at whose toll?