Saturday, April 11, 2009

What I think About Lawyers

Personally I think lawyers are sneaky scum. Just like an M&M shell they look nice and enticing on the outside but are detrimental to you on the inside. When you get hurt, or need legal help you’re seeking for someone who is a professional but in reality you’re really seeking a thief to steal from you. They may seem like their doing you a whole lot of good at first, but in the end their ripping you off. They make you big promises that they will win you a case and bring you extraordinary amounts of income. Can you trust them? Hiring a lawyer is like gambling, you’re taking a huge risk. You don’t know if your hard earned money is safe. If you could defend yourself in a courtroom, I’m pretty sure you would. I guess that’s the price you have to pay when you don’t have the legal knowledge or know-how. Lawyers go to school and pay enough money for their education. They have their own financial worries they have to worry about. They’re out for the money; they don’t care about you or your morals. They’ll charge you the highest prices if they can. It all comes down to trust, any lawyer you choose is going to have a fancy sticker price. In the end if you choose a lawyer wisely, the fruits of your labor can bring you a substantial amount of money.

Finding a lawyer isn’t always about how much money you’re getting either. Sometimes it’s about saving your ass from jail time. Look at O.J. Simpson for example, he has money out his ears. He doesn’t need any more cash, he’s set for life. So then why did he need a lawyer? He killed his wife and didn’t want to deal with the consequences like a real man. The only reason he needed a lawyer was to be saved from life in prison. So what does this have to deal with lawyers you ask? It means that lawyers are money hungry and they’ll do anything, even defend criminals if the price is right. Don’t be fooled, lawyers may seem successful but ask yourself how did they get there; at whose toll?